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pg-bulk-ingest is a Python package that can be used to ingest large amounts of data into a PostgreSQL database, for example as part of a extract, transform and load (ETL) data pipeline.

This page is a step by step guide to installing pg-bulk-ingest and using it to ingest hard coded data into a local PostgreSQL database.


You need the following software to follow this guide:

You should also have experience of progamming in Python, using the command line, and an understanding of how PostgreSQL tables are defined.


pg-bulk-ingest can be installed from PyPI using pip. psycopg2 or psycopg (Psycopg 3) must also be explicitly installed.

pip install pg-bulk-ingest psycopg

Start a PostgreSQL database

To run a PostrgreSQL database locally using Docker, on the command line run:

docker run --rm -it -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -p 5432:5432 postgres

Create a basic ingest

  1. Create an empty Python file, for example

  2. In this file write code to use the ingest function from the pg_bulk_ingest module to create a PostgreSQL table and ingest hard-coded data into it:

import sqlalchemy as sa
from pg_bulk_ingest import HighWatermark, Visibility, Upsert, Delete, ingest

# This should work with the Docker example above, but would have to be changed
# if using a PostgreSQL instance elsewhere or setup differently
engine = sa.create_engine('postgresql+psycopg://postgres@')

# A SQLAlchemy Metadata
metadata = sa.MetaData()
my_table = sa.Table(
    sa.Column("id", sa.INTEGER, primary_key=True),
    sa.Column("value", sa.VARCHAR(16), nullable=False),

# A function that yields batches of data, where each is a tuple of
# (high watermark, batch metadata, data rows).
# - The batches should all be _after_ the high watermark passed into the function
# - Each high watermark must be JSON-encodable, or a callable that returns a
#   JSON-encodable value that is called after the data rows are iterated over
# - Each row must have the SQLAlchemy table associated with it
def batches(high_watermark):
    batch_high_watermark = '2015-01-01'
    if high_watermark is None or batch_high_watermark > high_watermark:
        yield batch_high_watermark, 'Any batch metadata', (
            (my_table, (3, 'a')),
            (my_table, (4, 'b')),
            (my_table, (5, 'c')),

    batch_high_watermark = '2015-01-02'
    if high_watermark is None or batch_high_watermark > high_watermark:
        yield batch_high_watermark, 'Any other batch metadata', (
            (my_table, (6, 'd')),
            (my_table, (7, 'e')),
            (my_table, (8, 'f')),

def on_before_visible(conn, ingest_table, batch_metadata):
    # Can perform validation or update metadata table(s) just before data
    # is visible to other database clients
    # conn: is a SQLAlchemy connection in the same transaction as this batch
    # ingest_table: the SQLAlchemy that data was ingested into
    # batch_metadata: the metadata for the most recent batch from the batches function

with engine.connect() as conn:
        conn, metadata, batches,
        high_watermark=HighWatermark.LATEST,     # Carry on from where left off
        visibility=Visibility.AFTER_EACH_BATCH,  # Changes are visible after each batch
        upsert=Upsert.IF_PRIMARY_KEY,            # Upsert if there is a primary key
        delete=Delete.OFF,                       # Don't delete any existing rows
  1. Run this file from the command line
python -m ingest