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Table definitions

Tables must be defined via a SQLAlchemy metadata instance. Only some SQLAlchemy/PostgreSQL features are supported.

Data types

The SQLAlchemy “CamelCase” data types are not supported in table definitions. Instead, you must use types specified with “UPPERCASE” data types. These are non-abstracted database-level types. This is to support automatic migrations - the real database type is required in order to make a comparison with the live table and the one passed into the ingest function.

Also not supported is the sqlalchemy.JSON type. Instead use sa.dialects.postgresql.JSON or sa.dialects.postgresql.JSONB.


Indexes can be added by passing sqlalchemy.Index objects after the column list when defining the table. The name of each index should be None - pg-bulk index chooses a random name so it does not conflict with other indexes.

    sa.Column("id", sa.INTEGER, primary_key=True),
    sa.Column("value", sa.VARCHAR(16), nullable=False),
    sa.Index(None, "value"),