Ingest large amounts of data into PostgreSQL
Use this Python package to ingest data into SQLAlchemy-defined PostgreSQL tables, leveraging high-watermarking to keep them up to date without re-ingesting the same data.
Get startedAuto migrations
Existing tables are automatically migrated as needed - no need for separate migrations.
Memory efficient
The API supports streaming large amounts of data into PostgreSQL without loading it all into memory.
The PostgreSQL COPY statement is used to make ingests as performant as possible.
Data in ingested in batches - each batch is completely visible to other clients or not at all
Avoids long locks
Operations are structured to minimise the time ACCESS EXCLUSIVE locks are needed.
Optionally will perform an upsert based on a primary key.
The code for pg-bulk-ingest is public and contributions are welcome though the pg-bulk-ingest repository on GitHub.